What’s your story? Better yet, what’s your client’s story?

Connecting with your audience starts by understanding THEIR story and showing them it’s possible to write a better story.

Imagine going to a networking event. You begin to mingle, excited about meeting new people.

You bump into someone you’ve never met before, so you introduce yourself. He (or she) does the same.

But more.  You not only get his name, you get his entire life story. Okay, maybe not his entire life story but he rambles on and on about his business, who he is, what he does, how much money he’s making…. on an on he goes.

Guess what? You checked out after about 10 seconds of his self-focused dialogue.

Well it’s the same for your website.

If someone lands on your website and all they hear is you talking about yourself, they are out of there!

No one cares about you or your business.

No one cares about your story.

Until they know you care about THEIR story.

Their problems, their pain points, their struggles.

Connecting with your audience starts by understanding THEIR story and showing them it’s possible to write a better story.

Show them they can invest in a better future with your product or service.

Once you get this story part right, then success in business is possible.

Posted in Branding and Marketing

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