What’s your story? Better yet, what’s your client’s story?
Connecting with your audience starts by understanding THEIR story and showing them it’s possible to write a better story.
Pixel Happy Blog
From 20 years helping educators, consultants, and coaches feel confident in their online messaging and marketing.
"Yael has an eye for beauty and minimalist design, and pays close attention to the details. And, she has an amazing ability to tune into each person’s energy and create a website that reflects that energy."
Deborah Donndelinger
Connecting with your audience starts by understanding THEIR story and showing them it’s possible to write a better story.
Did you know there is an ever evolving record that contains all the energetic experiences of every soul?
From dancer and choreographer, Pilates instructor, and licensed Massage Therapist to an energy healing practitioner.
Ellen Donaldson shares her holistic, multifaceted, approach to healing from chronic illness.
Deborah leads us through some tapping to help us move through our fears and insecurities when creating content.
A candid conversation with Jill Leigh around how to build a successful energy healing practice.
Thank you, Happy the Cat, for inspiring me to find happiness no matter the outer circumstances.
Several of my clients are holistic healing practitioners who have dedicated their lives to helping others heal. This post is dedicated to them.
Focus. It’s critical in all areas of learning and development and it’s even more critical with the advent of social media.